Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Purim Panic!

With under 4 weeks to Purim, now is the time to panic. Costumes, Mishloach Manos, Matonos L’evyonim, & Seudah! What? Who? Where? I don’t know about all you guys, but I will NOT spend $15 on a costume my child will wear for one day. It is simply outrageous! My husband thinks we should take something they have and turn it into a costume, if men were coordinating Purim plans, life would be so much simpler, wouldn’t it?! Maybe next year... At this point, I have three costumes to sew. Somehow “theme” it to my mishloach manos…. OMG! And coordinate who is making what for the Seudah!
To put it mildly, I am slightly overwhelmed.
The bottom line it is a self inflicted pressure. My husband comes from an out of town area where people literally leave a paper plate, a few jelly beans and if they’re really fancy a can of coke! That is no exaggeration. I thought they were kidding at first but after extensive research Ive learned it to be 100% real .
If we would all cut out themes, keep things simpler, would we be happier?
In all honesty, most likely; NO! We are a bunch of overachieving, creative wannabes, and nothing makes us happier than when we receive that compliment of how adorable our children look, how incredibly innovative our mishloach manos is, and our creativity is above the max in how we tied our theme, poem and what not into it all!
I’ll be the first to admit it, now it’s your turn!
Visit our Sweets/Specialty Section to see which stores to visit to purchase your mishloach manos products. Also carrying a great selection at a great price is NPGS, Amazing Savings (many food items are cholov stam) & Dollar Tree.

1 comment:

  1. I on the other hand don't mind spending on a costume. Because after Purim it goes into the dress up box, and it is the kids greatest entertainment. I have quite a collection already. All the kids run straight to the costume box.
    On the other hand, I won't put money to waste on over spending on Mishloach Manos!!
