Thursday, January 24, 2013

Am I the only FFB that never heard of a Tu B'shvat Seder? With wine and all?

Tu B'shvat is this Friday Night and Shabbos day... Am I the only FFB that never heard of a Tu B'shvat Seder? With wine and all?
I NEVER miss an oppurtunity for some nice wine!
View the complete Tu B'shvat Seder at
Click link: Kabbalistic Tu B'shvat Seder
(6) WINE:
At the Tu B'Shvat seder, it is traditional to drink four cups of wine, similar to the Passover seder.

First Cup – pure white
Second Cup – pale pink (white with a drop of red wine)
Third Cup – darker pink (with more red added)
Fourth Cup – almost totally red (with only a drop of white)

A participant says:
White wine represents nature in potential. Red wine represents nature in full bloom. On this day, we begin to leave the winter behind and move into a period of renewal and life.
It is stated in the Zohar: Wine has two colors -- white and red. White is from the right side [of kindness]; red from the left side [of strength and judgment].
As we progress from white to red, we move from potential to actuality. We are able to appreciate God's judgment as well as His kindness. We see God's design and goodness in the world with increasing clarity.

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