Saturday, January 19, 2013

Food Evolution or Food Revolution?

I have been living in Lakewood for over thirty years now. I have watched the town’s population grow to exploding at the seams, and I have seen the food options go from very limited to really having some decent options. I remember as a little girl there was not even one pizza shop, then someone opened a Kosher Pizza Truck and we all felt “spoiled” and lucky.

Today, Lakewood has as many as 7? Capital, J2, Kosher Village, The one near spruce, Pizza plus, Pizza Place in Westgate, Circa and probably another one or two I am forgetting. May not be worth remembering ;-). I don’t want to come across as overly critic, however as a professional kosher foodie I am intitled to my opinion in this area. Just because a pizza shop services a clientle in a specific area doesn’t mean you can go lax on quality. I have two personal favorites. I guess they really apply more to the pizza itself and less to the place… but just for curiousity sake what’s yours?

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