Wednesday, June 12, 2013

No Free Delivery Options!

Restaurants in Lakewood should have free delivery minimum order.... people would be SO much more inclined to order out. I know I would.

Thank you Kosher Taco for being of the few restaurants to offer that!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


It’s too hot to cook, but we still need to feed our families and ourselves of course. There are lots of fresh fruit and salad options, tuna salad, egg salad, pasta salad. I’ll even sometimes do a pasta & tuna salad, which gives you the protein as well as the carbs for a nice full feeling. Using the stovetop as opposed to the oven offers omelets, and my most recent favorite poached eggs with salt and pepper.  Cheese Sandwiches and pickles are yummy too!

My rice cooker doesn’t cause too much heat, if I make just a cup or so which is more than enough for a brown rice Asian Fusion salad, filling and delish!
Throwing nut into salad and munching on them throughout the day will keep your tummy feel and your energy up.
For the kids, picking up a huge box of freeze pops, and making sure to give them if they spend much time outside will keep them well hydrated. I am usually very careful with sugar for my girls; I don’t give them any sweet drinks, not even juice. But in the summertime or when they are sick I bend the “rules” to keep them hydrated.

They also love fresh fruit, be careful because that can cause diaper and potty overload- literally… not to be too graphic.

There is always the grill option, but no one wants to stand out in the heat so that happens about once in ten days, and we throw everything from veggies like tomatoes, peppers to potatoes with margarine and salt in alumnum foil on our grill.

We are very lucky to live in a town with so many eating options, from Pizza to fine dining.

Get a stack of restaurant menus if you’re trying to keep your budget down, and you’ll know what to expect and be able to budget accordingly.
Oh, and do not forget the wine coolers, Smirnoff Ice Pineapple- stock up, you ARE going to NEED it!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


There will be no posts, until after Pesach...

I am away.

Til then.

Happy Pesach!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

6 Fun or Practical Pesach Buys!

I was browsing through Amazon, looking for some great things for the kids and gifts for in-laws and of course myself. All of the items ship free with Amazon Prime. I thought I would share, based on awesome pricing or items you do not see everywhere... Have an amazing Passover!

Next year in Jerusalem, Israel!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spotlight on The Gingerbread House - The Ultimate 'Candy' Store and then some!

Walking into The Gingerbread House makes you feel like a kid in a candy store. The walls stretch toward the back, lined with every kosher candy imaginable! 

They carry a wide array of nuts, chocolate, dried fruits, grandiose platters, cookies, smoothies & cakes!

Their fruit shakes/slushies are a big hit! With absolutely no corn syrups, or any syrup of any kind, no food coloring and real milk (none of the condensed milk powder). The most popular of their smoothies is their diet cappuccino (as the dieters are after a good thing), but after tasting all the fruit shakes, my personal favorite is Strawberry Yogurt….mmmmmn!

With lots of dried fruit options, they stack beautifully with contrasting colors making a beautiful Shabbos arrangement. I stacked mango, kiwi & roasted red peanuts in three different sized containers, which they wrapped in a beautiful gold bow as a hostess gift last time we stayed on that side of town for shabbos.

They make all of their peanut chew platters that people go ‘nuts’for in-house. You are bound to see one of their platters at almost every Kiddush.

They also have an extensive display of blue and pink masterpiece platters! So you can find that ultimate gift for a boy’s Shalom Zucher or a baby girl’s Kiddush!

When it comes to cakes their dessert cakes are something they take pride in the variety they are able to offer, as they are imported from several locations in New York. They carry Dessert cakes of every kind, sherbert and ice cream included! These specialty cakes start at $18 and up.
This is a ‘candy’ store unlike any other, it’s whimsy and variety put it in a category of its own! Maybe I will start out with a JUMBO lollypop and take it from there!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pesach – I just love it!

Pesach is one of my most favorite holidays. It is not so much the preparation, or the cleaning ;-), but the feeling you get as the holiday actually ushers in. The house is spotless, that deliciously cozy feeling from working hard combined with a Seder decked out in luxury; is when the feeling of excitement  really kicks in.

For Pesach, we go to my in-laws and the Seder is truly a time for a seriously great time. Masks and finger puppets for the ten machos (whether or not there are children present), and those little green frogs that when you push down their backs, they spring three feet across the table!
They are always generous in having guests that may be less familiar with the holiday, which rudely enough allows for much amusement. After a couple of glasses of wine, it becomes more than difficult to contain that amusement!

This year, with 2.5 triplets, I have unsuccessfully been attempting to teach them the ‘Mah Nishtana.’Still trying!
I pray for all of us all, to be removed from the slavery of this exile and the slavery of our desires and temptations to sin and may we celebrate next year in Jerusalem!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spotlight on Pizza Place @ Westgate: Unforgettable Dining Experience

As I write this review I am still savoring the taste and experience of “Pizza Place”. Walking into Pizza Place in juxtaposition with any Pizza Shop, it is an unanticipated treat. Its name may be misleading to some because it is far more than a pizza place. It’s a beautiful italian restaurant with much more than just delectable Pizza.

From its gorgeous oak counter partition, to vintage style wall sconces, it offers an upscale luxurious restaurant feel.  The adjacent room will transport you further, with its deep cherry wood tables and chairs, beautiful tiles, soft light spotlights; you will be engulfed by its ambiance.  
 I had the privilege of tasting a wonderful array of their fabulous dishes.

Their cream of mushroom soup is divine. The tomato & brown rice soup’s sweet and tangy flavors will hit your palette with a soft kick.

My absolute favorite pizza in this entire town, is their white pizza with pesto drizzled over it. Their Sicilian pizza with pesto sauce will have you dreaming for more! Pizza Place should be nominated for their mozzarella sticks. Lightly breaded filled with 100% mozzarella cheese their soft crunchiness as you bite into one, you’ll watch as the cheese stretches a mile and smile, feeling you have just tasted a small piece of heaven.
There are several great fish options, with outrageously low prices ($13 and below) and in-house grill. Order the Salmon Teriyaki seared and scored in that crisscross that can only be achieved by a professional grill chef. I had mine with a side of broccoli and mashed potatoes.  The mashed potatoes had a smother and creamy flavor.
Upon inquiring about how they achieved this taste, I was told, they are made from Yukon potatoes with heavy cream and butter. Their entire menu consists of food and desserts that are made from fresh, real ingredients; all cooked, baked & grilled in-house.
The real highlight of my tasting experience was when the eggplant parmesan arrived. It came out on lovely china with a side of spaghetti in a marinara sauce. The eggplant was layered perfectly with a moist, fresh, saporous breaded coating on each thin eggplant fillet. Using real parmesan, mozzarella cheese and homemade sauce allowed them to create this most unforgettable dish.

Making their very own desserts is not something you will see often in the restaurant business. Most restaurants bring their desserts from other locations. Pizza Place does not only make their own desserts, they excel at doing so. From their Zeppoli (Italian Doughnut) to their thick and wicked tasting cheesecake, it was too good I was forced to eat it down to the very last bite!

The adjacent room is beautifully adorned to allow for sheva brochos and other high-end catered events. For catered events, the tables are set with linens and china to achieve that luxurious effect.

Tuesday nights are special at Pizza Place, upon booking a reservation, your child can make his/her very own pizza. For just $5.75 your child will receive cheese, sauce and dough and is welcome to use their own imaginations to play pizza chef for the evening!
Pizza Place offers so many options at such unbelievable prices. Eating here once will keep you coming back for more.
I know I’ll be back real soon!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spotlight on Tips & Toque: ‘The Kitchen Creativity Playground’!

It was several days before Purim, when I came across an Ad in one of the Lakewood circulars, where it showed a photo of Minnie Mouse cake toppers. As you know, my Purim theme was Minnie Mouse, so I eagerly went to check out the store; Tips & Toque. The display in the window showed creativity looming behind its doors, but I could not imagine how much!
When I walked in, my jaw dropped. It was the store, I always dreamed of. A store, with hundreds of specialty items: fondants, tools, and just about everything else you can imagine. It’s for those that love to play in the kitchen!
This store has been in this town for over a decade, and I have never been inside.
The ultimate in the kitchen playground, with its very own Utensil Mikvah, so your projects never need to wait until tomorrow!
I think I am going to be trying to make beautiful cake pops sometime in the near future; I saw supplies for that, and they’re very in right now and yummy too!
If you do check it out, and make something awesome… please email photos to me: 
Let’s share the fun!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sushi for Dummies

Sushi is the new black.

A couple of years ago only brave gourmet seafood lovers ate sushi, but now it’s become the rage. It’s become a new staple food; it isn’t uncommon to see sushi on the shabbos table as an accompaniment to the traditional gefilta fish or salmon. Moms serve it to kids as a guilt free before-dinner snack. Teens justify their expensive splurge lunches in the name of a healthy diet food. Abstinent dieters commit brown rice sushi to their daily plan. Hearty men order fried tempura as a side to their Thursday night cholent. In short sushi is here to stay! But let’s face it-sushi is not cheap, especially when you are serving it to a crowd! By now many a novice has experimented with homemade sushi attempts in an effort to produce more of this versatile food for less money.  We have all been met with varying degrees of success. Some have given up; others have taken to rolling sushi inside out the easy way. Some have moved on to sushi salad. One friend of mine even hired her own private sushi chef once a week in an effort to stay on top of her family’s demand.

With persistence, and being unwilling to hire a chef (I’ll save my money for the cleaning lady) I have been met with moderate success. My sushi is not yet a masterpiece and my rolls are not always symmetrical, nevertheless my family always stands around and watches with bright puppy eyes as the homemade rolls take shape. They are eager to help out by consuming ends, and bits and pieces that are not deemed worthy of the official platterJ.

At the risk of boring you I’ll just give you a few pointers:

Firstly, filling can and should be versatile.  My kids know that leftover salmon often reappears the next day in the rolled form. Cucumber, carrot and avocado all work well, add a little cream cheese for the milchig variety and you have a true Philadelphia roll. Fish sticks can serve as mock kani sticks.  You can mix cooked salmon with flaked Kani sticks and a little mayo to make an easy fish filling. (Kani is mock crab food and can be found in the freezer section of your local grocery I think it’s make from pike.)  Mango is a good twist and sweet potato lovers have been known to include that too.  This all assumes that you are not a lover of the raw fish variety. Let’s not go there!

Cook the sushi rice according to directions. Two cups of raw rice makes enough cooked rice for about five or six rolls. Sometimes you may have to add a bit more water in the end of the cooking process so don’t turn your back or use your trusty rice cooker..

Add one or two tablespoons of rice vinegar; (I like the red pepper flake variety) to the rice and three table spoons of sugar. (My apologies to the abstinent dieters.)

Transfer the rice to a glass bowl and stir with a wooden paddle. (Metallic utensils tamper the flavor of the cooked rice.) Let the rice cool completely.

Prepare your workspace. You will need a little sushi kit which should have a wooden paddle and a bamboo rolling mat. Line the rolling mat with plastic cling wrap. Place the Toasted Nori sheets, AKA seaweed (I use Sushi Maven brand, it comes in packs of fifty or twenty in your local grocery,) on the plastic wrap. If your Nori sheet is square you will want to trim about two inches off to get it to a rectangle, so that the rolls will not look like more rice than filling or like overstuffed sausage.  I get annoyed when the professionals are skimpy on the filling.)

With the wet palm of your hand smear the rice on the Nori try to flatten it as much as possible.  When you are satisfied with your smear, flip the Nori over so the rice faces the plastic.  Place your filling as close to the edge of the Nori as possible in a neat thin row. (Of course your veggies are cut into thin perfect matchsticks in neat rows, right we are perfectionists are we not?) Then you’ll proceed to roll and pull back with the mat use the mat to tighten the roll if you think it’s too loose then roll and pull back again. If the filling pops out of the side that’s a good sign, that means you have a tight roll just nudge it back in. Cut the rolls with a serrated knife. Try to cut them evenly about ¾ inch thick, platter them in the same direction in sets of eight.  Change the plastic wrap between each roll.

Serve with plain old soy sauce or buy some spicy mayo or sweet teriyaki.  I have mixed mayo with a shake of hot sauce and it did the trick. True sushi lovers will invest in ginger and wasabi but I am not a die hard for those. Get out your chop sticks make a blessing and enjoy, if your kids have left any for you while you turned your back.

 If you are serving the sushi the next day wrap a moist piece of bounty around the platter before the sawran wrap and avoid avocado filling as it goes bad overnight..

I hope to bring you more sushi related ideas in the future such as a heaven sushi salad, and perhaps a visit to a home based sushi business but for now………. RUYSAGTW!!!!!

That stands for Roll Up Your Sleeves And Get To Work!   (I knew it was sushi for dummies!)


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Making More Delicious Memories

Purim 2013 is now a delicious memory!

One of my favorite things to look at on Purim is all the creative ideas people come up with for their Mishloach Manos. But the ones I simply cannot hold back from eating are the delicious, creative homemade ones.

I’d like to share one of the many Mishloach Manos I really enjoyed. My nieces dressed up as strawberry shortcake and looked out of this world cute! Their parents gave out strawberry shortcake mini trifles that were beyond heavenly! I ate all of mine – don’t tell my husband…some things are just too good to share ;-)!

The trifle is made up of three layers.
Crumbs on the bottom: 1 box Duncan heinz mix (any flavor), 1 stick margarine and  ½ cup brown sugar. Place in oven on 350 degrees. Mix a few times over a 30 minute period. Mixture should not be gooey it should look like crumbs. Allow to cool. Fill 1/3 of the trifle dish.

Mousse: 16 oz. whip, 1 can strawberry pie filling, 1 box instant vanilla pudding dissolved in 1 cup milk or milk substitute. After the whip has been whipped, add pie filling and thicken pudding (with half the amt. of milk) mix for a few minutes till fully combined. Fill second third of trifle dish. A food storage bag with the tip cut off is a perfect way to fill the dish neatly.

Top with whip and a little confectionary sugar added (after whip is completely whipped) to thicken. Again use the bag or a professional icing bag. If you’d like you can sprinkle some left over crumbs on top.

If you are making mini trifles be sure to purchase the mini spoons as well- I think that added touch made it all the more elegant. My sister tied the spoons in ribbon. The strawberry flavor is my personal favorite! Chocoholics might prefer the devils food mix crumbs with a chocolate mousse (add 2 boxes instant chocolate pudding with 2 cups milk to the whipped topping and omit the pie filling) top with the whipped topping.

Having guests that you want to impress?

Try it, it’s really simple and gets rave reviews!


Sunday, February 24, 2013



Today is the day, to taste and enjoy all sorts of food. With several Sephardic neighbors we get everything from lachmajine to kibbeh!

Then all the delicious cakes, hamantashim (homemade are my weak spot) and someone even made homemade sushi!
My favorite is the themes and I love to see how excited the kids are in their costumes.
Purim has only just begun, and spirits are flying high, people are smiling and we are off to a great start!
My girls are dressed up as Minnie Mouse! They look ADORABLE! Not too brag ;-), but I sewed their costumes as well as made the cupcakes!

A Maximum Purim! From the Sokol Minnies &!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Easy Purim Cupcakes & Fondant Toppers

This year, my girls are dressing up as Minnie Mouse for Purim! I wanted to do something really cutesy and within a tight budget.

Buying cupcakes for $3 each is simply out of my budget. Besides, I am pretty good with my hands and Dunkin Heines always does my baking for me!
So I made 50 Devil’s Food and 50 Yellow Cupcakes (my personal favorite). I bought the in-store frosting, which comes with the decorator’s tips, that saves you a ton of time, energy and clean up!

I ordered plastic containers that hold only two standard size cupcakes each, to keep it nice and easy. A polka dot red and white ribbon to tie it all together!
The fondant: There are two ways to go about it, the first is buying white fondant and mixing dye into it to make it the right color. The second and easier option is to purchase your already made color. I was going with standard colors of black and red, so purchasing it was so much more convenient.

Fondant is super easy to use; it has similar qualities to play dough. So if you’ve been through kindergarten then you must already have received your diploma in play dough and you can move onto fondant.
I personally did not purchase any of the fondant tools, I kept it simple. When using a serrated knife, it makes it more difficult to cut properly and leaves ragged edges. Try to use the smallest non- serrated knife you have, and making shapes will be much easier. You can flatten the fondant with a rolling pin if you plan on using it to cover a large area.
 To make Mickey Mouse’s head, I simply rolled one large ball and two smaller ones connecting them with a drop of water.
Fondant is soft and easy to use. If the fondant begins to harden while you’re still using it, simply knead the fondant and it will it will make it soft again.

This has been a truly fun arts ‘n crafts Mishloach Manos experience!

To purchase supplies here in Lakewood for creative baking visit Tips & Toque, they carry an amazing selection!
I would love to see your creative Purim ideas!

Share your photos and tips!

Send pictures with or without your name to:

To creative Puriming!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Kitchen Must Have!

I am really not sure how I ever lived without it; my beautiful Aroma Rice Maker ($35) has been a life-saver on more than several occasions. Not only do I use it for dinner almost every night, it helps me make my Shabbos in record time!

I will be honest, I have used to for things I am positive it was not created for. But hey, it saves me so much time and mess! I have used it for the regular like rice. Personal favorite is short grain brown rice, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder - a simple side dish made so quickly and effortlessly.
My machine has settings for brown and white rice.
I’ve used it for steaming vegetables. You can use it to steam meats and poultry (but I keep mine parve).  I use it for pasta, omelets (adding cheese afterwards), and I have even made an amazing luckshen kugel in it - the machine does not indicate using it for these items, but I am going to test its limitations!

I have never been one to think in the box and this rice cooker allows me to throw a bunch of ‘stuff’ in and make dish after dish. I have to say that as of right now it is probably my #1 kitchen gadget.
The only mistake I have made, using it so far, was making a recipe with nuts in it.  Because it steams the food, you don’t want to put anything that needs to be toasted and not steamed, or it will get mushy!

Another essential tip: you must not use metal utensils to take food out from it, or you will scratch the protective coating right off!
Once you have your own rice maker, you will never remember how you lived without it. I use it for most my side dishes and bake my chicken, or beef in the oven.

This is one item every kitchen needs!
This is the one I currently have and love (you can go smaller, but if your planning on lots of company or a large family- this is the way to go!):
Aroma 12 Cup Rice Cooker/Steamer

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Spotlight on Kosher Taco: A Lakewood Hot Spot

The reviews are in and Kosher Taco pulls in high scores as being a ‘Hot Spot’ to dine here in Lakewood. Its loft ceilings & private booth seating allows for intimate dining; making Kosher Taco ideal for a date, couple’s night out or just hanging with friends. The setup and décor is intriguing and superbly unique to Lakewood’s Kosher Restaurants.
Décor aside, dining here is an experience you won’t be quick to forget. The pricing is exceptional and the portions are enormous and delicious!

 My recommendation is to order a 1 person platter which consists of 6 hard/soft tacos stuffed with your choice and includes two very large side dishes! My personal favorite taco was the thin strip steak taco. I had the Guacamole which tasted super fresh alongside their homemade onions rings. Everything was scrumptious, but eating the onion rings with their ranch-style dip (which was absolutely wicked) simply left me blown away!
They create their very own taco bowls, corn chips, and will be introducing additional items to their extensive Menu through the Shani Taub diet program (very popular currently in Lakewood).
Currently they offer many options for dieters, as well delectable salads. The portabella mushroom chicken salad is a must for mushroom lovers!
If you’re looking for fresh food, intimate dining, wonderful portions,  a burst of flavor with every bite at a great price, Kosher Taco would be an ideal choice for dining!
I will definitely be eating here again in the near future!
Which place should we try next?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Drinking wine… keeping with tradition!

Friday nights, the lights are dim and the candles are lit, warmth and a feeling of calm fills my home. While the men are in shul, I cut up my standard salad my husband is particular too. I then browse though our wine selection to see which wine I am ‘feeling’ that evening.

Everything is different if my in-laws are spending the shabbos with is. If my mother-in-law is over than it is not the time to savor the wine, it’s  time to P-A-R-T-Y; we bust out Baron Hertzog’s Vouvray (about $13) contains only 12% of alcohol, is a nice tasting dessert wine, however what makes it truly wondrous is how it effects your mood, and how you perceive your
Unfortunately, this wine is currently sold out in every wine store in Lakewood.

Smirnoff Ice achieves a similar more mild effect. There is actually a new kosher flavor on the market: Pineapple. It’s super light and has currently moved up into position as my favorite of their kosher flavors (contains a KSA Hashgacha).
I never have more fun with my Mother-in-law than when we are sharing some naughty high calorie/ high sugar cake or drinking ladies drinks- le Vouvray! Both tend to give us the giggles.

Friday night and holidays are the only times I drink and it is my tradition, so that cannot change!
If we are home alone, it calls for a dry red wine occasion. It lends a feeling of sophistication and maturity. And as dificult as it may be at times to accept we are grown-ups, we most certainly are.

We have two serious gadgets when it comes to wine.  The 1st is the Metrokane Rabbit Wine Tool Kit, Metallic Red, 4-Piece, opening wine bottles is a cinch! No screws, just a suck and release cork mechanism (NON-electric). You can then reuse your cork as well.
The second, and fundamental to a red wine, like a Malbec from Chile (which would be my most frequent pick), is our Rabbit Wine Aerating Pourer It is incredible! It breathes the wine as your pour, so even if you open it right before the meal, you can still savor each sip!  
My husband is an Irish Whisky guy; his staple:  Jameson. Once when we went out he ordered a really ‘special’ Jameson shot for $25! I don’t even spend that on a bottle of wine!  I have never developed a taste for beer or hard alcohol... So when it comes to expertise in that area, I wil have to consult my man.
I am very happy to stick with my ladies drinks and stick with tradition!
L’chaim- to tradition! May your Shabbos be complete with savory tastes and wonderful smells!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

6 Braid Challah Experience x2

It was Friday, just a couple of hours before Shabbos when I scurried about and printed out my diagrams - of how to make a six plait braided challah. I began to braid with the utmost concentration, confident with my prospective success. I mean half a dozen women on facebook claim they do it every week, so why shouldn’t I be able to?! The first half was looking good and I was almost too confident that it was really going to happen, when I noticed something peculiar.
I was only braiding the left side of the challah. The right side had plaits hanging around- just chilling out.

My father-in-law was watching me with a look of amusement, as he is able to do a four braid challah, and kept trying to persaude me that maybe I should  start small, with a four braided challah.
But no, I had to make it six and nothing less. would do!

So dough was hanging from the right and the left was mostly braided, when I simply threw in the towel. I made some things up - like you do on a test when you don’t know the answers. When you begin writing really tiny or messy, based on the theory that If the teacher cannot read it, she’ll assume it is the correct answer.
Except in this case the picture does not lie.
I was left with a funny looking challah, which I baked proudly and served along the rest of my three braided challahs!
To be honest, it may not have looked pretty, but it sure tasted wonderful as always!
I will not give up on this quest, I am more determined than eve; If I have to I will find someone to give me a real life demonstration, and sometime in the future my children will brag how their mother ‘always’ made challah that way!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Yussi's @2nd Street in the Spotlight

Yussi’s @2nd Street is a wonderful non-expensive option for the whole family. If you would like to sit down, that option is available with decent ambience and many delicious options. We did takeout from Yussi’s for dinner this evening, and I am happy to say for exactly $27 we got heaping portions for two.

I got a huge platter of baby chicken which was tender, delicately  spiced and delicious.

My husband got a manwhich plus a heaping portion of perfectly seasoned wings… All the exclamations as he ‘fressed’ should not and could not be shared, but at the finale to quote him: he said “I feel like a real man!”  

To many more Yussi’s Dinners!


Restaurants in Lakewood are gearing up for the big game between the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49er’s. 

Yussi’s has a ‘hot’ variety for the big game; offering 25 cents per buffalo wing- ALL day at their 2nd street location…mmnnn! (20 wings per customer).
South Side SandwichShop is offering 2-3 foot Heros, 5 Bean Chili with home-made chips plus a FREE 2 liter Soda with each hero order. OMG!
Glatt Bite is offering 3 Super Bowl specials! Every special comes with russian dressing, pickles, cole slaw & ketchup .
Can San Francisco win their 6th ring, or is Ray Lewis going to retire in a blaze of glory?
Either way chow down on some great food that Lakewood has to offer and enjoy the game!